Dave Sucharski


Dave Sucharski has been studying, performing, and directing improv and theatre for 10+ years. He directs Philly Improv Theater's "Thank You, Places: An Improvised Musical," which performs to packed houses every 1st and 3rd Friday.
He performed weekly on PHIT House Teams​ ​Channel 77,​ ​Trash Island, The Future, and ​​mash-up team ​Detention (formally The SHAM).​ ​He shares the stage semi-regularly with indie trio Swag Bag alongside Rob Alesiani and Emily Davis. Additionally, Dave directed Bits and Pieces, the resident short-form team of the Players Club of Swarthmore, coached Witch Academy's PHIT Launch Pad run, and coached former PHIT Harold team This Is Your Captain.

Dave currently resides in the Philly area, after living​ in NYC and performing nationally as a professional AEA actor, musician, and improviser. He was​ ​an Advanced​ ​Study​ ​​improv student with Upright Citizen’s Brigade​ ​Theatre, learning from Will and Kevin Hines, Ryan Karels, Phil Jackson, Chelsea Clarke, Ari ​Voukydis,​ ​and many more, as well as performing with indie team GAYLE!, formed and directed by UCB's Brandon Gardner.​ ​Dave received his MFA in Theatre from University Central Florida Conservatory Theatre, while improvising with Orlando’s SAK Comedy Lab and Power2Improv.

As a coach, Dave works to pull the best out of each performer and deliver personal, specific, and focused notes. Improv topics he enjoys focusing on:
Game - as taken from the UCB philosophy​
Strong justification​
"Heightening and Exploring" a world rather than just repeating the first funny thing
​Establishing and building grounded scene work and relationships
Strong support work that adds to scenes rather than distracts​
Building "comedy" rather than telling "jokes​;​"
Group game dynamics​
Pulling from premise​
Pulling from our own personal experiences
Actor to actor communication​

​He'd love to hear from you, learn more about what you're looking for in a coach, and set up a complimentary first rehearsal! ​

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Green = Available Last updated almost 7 years ago
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